Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Making Capathi.....

One of my favourite indian dishes.....capathi, also known as Indian Flatbread.
Bestnyer.....Finally I have had the chance to watch and make, thanks to a great si-fu!  hehehe
The key ingredient.....Atta Flour......and I was introduced to this....

Mix with water, a little bit of cooking oil and bits of salt to taste!

Knead into a "dough" till you get the right consistency, the right smoothness and the right softness

Cover with a piece of wet cloth to keep it moist and leave it to rest  for roughly an hour

Meanwhile, get ready of this piece of instrument.....

....and sorry alicia, you're not supposed to be in the kitchen....^^

The dough is divided into equal portions as shown in the picture above.

Then rolled them (one by one) into a not-fixed-size circle (~6 - 7 inches)

A pan is heated on a medium flame and there goes the rolled-out capathi.......on the pan, of course.

Turn it on its other side with a spatula, and that's the first flip!  So the surface supposed to look like this....

Check the other side from time to time before flip for the second time.....a kitchen towel is pressed gently around its edges to encourage the capathi to finally puff out and ready to be served!  Yeay!


  1. amoi a,this tepung ada logo halal or not? can use tepung gandum ka? share me ur recipe plz.hehheh

  2. Tak perasan pulak ada logo halal ke tak but it contain multigrains lah.....if not pakai tepung atta, can use ordinary tepung gandum. But on the healthy side, better use tepung atta.....



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