As I was saying on my facebook status few days ago, I was really missing mum
especially when she had to be alone and isolated in the hospital for her radioiodine therapy.
Praying that it would be her final treatment because it was already the fifth time she had to consume the radioactive liquid!
Enough is enough! I hope no more, please......
Thank goodness, and thanks to all the healing prayers and support from family and friends, near and afar,
she was discharged on the third day but had to go for a scan two days later
and after a long wait at the nuclear department
(which was really frustrating, as usual)
she was considered free of any so-called abnormal thyroid tissues.....
A picture of mum taken a year ago, after her double operations but still going strong! |
But then come the no so good news......
something was detected somewhere somehow in one of her leg during the scanning.
Very little! But not sure how little!
The next thing I knew, I was already weaken and numb inside explaining to myself the reason for all these.
I was so upset like everybody else who also in the same situation,
confronting trial after trial, test after test.
Even hubby knew something was amiss when he noticed how dull-looking
I was after coming home from work and guess it, I couldn't hide anything from him.
So while attending Ruhi Book One later in the evening with friends from Kampung Mangin,
tutored by beloved hubby, there was indeed a refreshment for me
of the last section of the course about
Life and Death
Baha'u'llah says:
“O My servants! Sorrow not if, in these days and on this earthly plane, things
contrary to your wishes have been ordained and manifested by God, for days of
blissful joy, of heavenly delight, are assuredly in store for you. Worlds, holy and
spiritually glorious, will be unveiled to your eyes. You are destined by Him, in this
world and hereafter, to partake of their benefits, to share in their joys, and to obtain
a portion of their sustaining grace. To each and every one of them you will, no
doubt, attain.”
Roy looked at me, smiling.....making sure that I really understand
these beautiful words of Baha'u'llah and
I realized I need to let go all the tension and sadness of the
things that are not the way we want to be as everything
is ordained by God.
Most important thing to embrace is certainly the happy life hereafter.
So for the moment, we'll continue to support and make mum happy to boost her immune system, beat anything abnormal with proper food and enjoy her life.