Monday, April 4, 2011

Unpredictable waves

Our life is so unpredictable.
It is likened to the waves which can be either calm to our ears
or strong and becoming disastrous. 

Mum is in the operation room again this early morning hours.

And all that I can do now is to pray that everything will go well. 


  1. my prayers for the speedy recovery of your mum..."as you have faith, so shall your powers and blessings be..."

  2. thank you so much luster...even the nurses said that she has that will and power to fight.....

  3. Hi Ping, just drop by and want to wish your mum a speedy recovery. Will pray for her to be in the good hands of the doctors as well as in God.

  4. Hi busygran...thank you for the wishes and prayers. Really, really appreciate it so much.
    p/s: Btw, your nestum cookies recipe is really good.



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