To my dearly loved friends/colleagues,

So not easy to leave home! That's what I've been saying to myself. Sebenarnya tak dapat nak luahkan betapa beratnya hati saya untuk meninggalkan kerja selama 11 tahun lamanya, serta rakan sekerja selaku rakan seperjuangan yang telah lama saya kenali di sini. Sebagai seorang insan biasa, sememangnya kita tidak dapat nak lari daripada perubahan hidup.
Everything comes with a reason and we tend to follow that flow to gain something that we wish for, the success and the achievement. Guess, it's already the time for me to follow that flow as we move on but the friendship that we've built together will be appreciated with all my heart and soul. Thank you very much from the bottom of my heart. Thank you for the love, the care, the friendship, the laugh, the joke, the emotions, the work....everything!! I will surely remember them forever.
Please accept my deepest and sincere apology from the many-many years ago....11, 12, 13, 14 doesn't matter. I may have some wrong-doings or I may have hurt your feelings. Do forgive me and I'm so sorry that I cannot be as perfect as I'm supposed to be. I am very much looking forward to these coming eight (8) months period that may instill some new thoughts and new experiences in my life. I wish that I would finally be able to settle down and please pray for both hubby and I.
Last but not least,
my prayer and wishes to all of you ~
Mr Albert! Thanks for being my boss all these years! Not sure whether I'll be back to the same office later, will see the situation.
Mr Joe! You're always like a "father" to me, thxs for the constant support and assistance throughout my working life!
Leyn & Qama! I hope to hear the wedding bells to ring! Build that fortress of happiness, I'll be waiting!
Aty! Darlink! Don't stress out too much! Good luck in all the preparation and still looking beautiful & fresh for the BIG DAY!!!
Azie & Azhar! Baby brother/sister for Little Zaza! Quick! All the happiness and blessings to both of u!
Pinky & Romina! Nyihup! Both of you will always be a wonderful couple that I look up to. So continue to be lovey-dovey and my love for Eva & Evita! Keep rockin'!

Herlina & One's! More babies along the way. Will pray for more happiness to your beautiful broods!
Esa! I only know you since last year but you're a friendly person, so stay cool, all the best in life yeah!
Minggat! Find that someone special! Good luck!
Munieeeeee! Hugs! I'll be waiting for the little feet & fingers! Never give up!
Kak Liza! My big sister is hard to forget!! Sentiasa awet muda yer!
Abg Is! Sentiasa berjuang ke PhD!

Yumizal "Abet"! Bila gik?!??! Hehehe.....Good Luck!
Azmi! Tambah lagi cahaya mata ya :)
Abg Man! Sentiasa sihat2 selalu....terus tempuhi hidup dengan kegembiraan!
All the very, very best!
Take good care ya!
~ Will very much miss you all, the office and the lab work ~
Remember, health is wealth!
Will see you all again soon =)
Lots of cheers & love from Amy