Friday, July 8, 2011

Commemoration of the Martyrdom of the Báb

Later that morning of July 9th, 1850......

".......The Báb was conducted back to the courtyard where a crowd of nearly ten thousand people had gathered to witness His execution.  He was delivered into the hands of Sám Khán,
the commander of the regiment of soldiers ordered to execute Him.
But Sám Khán, finding himself greatly affected by the Báb's behavior, was seized with fear that his action would bring the wrath of God upon him......................"


"............The regiment then arranged itself in three rows, each of two hundred and fifty men.  One after the other, each row opened fire.  When the smoke form the seven hundred and fifty rifles cleared away, the astonished crowd saw a scene they could hardly believe............."

".......The Báb had disappeared from sight................."

The Community Chant leaded by the youth

" ........A frantic search for the Báb then began.  Eventually He was found seated in His cell, completing His interrupted conversation with His secretary.  "I have finished my conversation,"
the Báb said.  "Now you may proceed to fulfill your intention."

"..........Stunned by what had taken place, Sám Khán refused to allow his men to shoot again and ordered them to leave the courtyard.  Another regiment had to be brought in to carry out the execution.

The commemoration of the Martyrdom of the Báb
was held at the Kuching Baha'i Centre

"......This time the bullets found their mark. 
The bodies of the Báb and Anís were completely shattered;
yet their faces remained almost untouched."

Taken from Ruhi Institute Book 4 of The Twin Manifestations
~ The Life of the Báb ~

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