Sunday, November 21, 2010

Breakfast with home-made Baba Nyonya

Passing by a new local shop at carpenter street (well, looks new too me even though it's been there for a long time, hahaha....thanks to my ignorances)....that sells some baba-nyonya homemade delicacies.  Oh ya, all the nyonya kuih look super delicious including the pumpkin kuih, so I bought some home for breakfast.  Yeah, after that llooooonnnngggg walk....^^..............

Their signature ang ku kuih that comes in orange colour (containing bean paste),
yellow colour (peanut paste) and purple colour (ginger bean paste). 
Each skin is naturally made from pure and fresh sweet potatoes. 

looks interesting...nyonya version of muffin.  Glad it is not sweet. 

the shop

got brochure some more....nice!

Here it says that it is strongly recommended to balance diet person since
it is low in sugar, low in calories and contain rich vitamins.


  1. looks weird but got pretty colors..and muffins should be sweet >:(

  2. nowadays people go into low-sugar yeah, including this one too...hehe

  3. angku kuih ka, norris? really?



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